This is my whiteboard. You'll find all sorts of stuff here.

Growing up I wanted to be an architect. I think my passion for art and design never left me...

I love sketching

1. Defer Judgment
Creative spaces are judgment-free zones—they let ideas flow so people can build from each other's great ideas.
2. Encourage Wild Ideas
Embrace the most out-of-the-box notions. There’s often not a whole lot of difference between outrageous and brilliant.
3. Build on the Ideas of Others
Try to use “and” instead of “but," it encourages positivity and inclusivity and leads to tons of ideas.
4. Stay Focused on the Topic
Try to keep the discussion on target. Divergence is good, but you still need to keep your eyes on the prize.
5. One Conversation at a Time
This can be difficult—especially with lots of creative people in a single room—but always think about the challenge topic and how to stay on track.
6. Be Visual
Use colored markers and Post-its. Stick your ideas on the wall so others can visualize them.
7. Go for Quantity
Crank your ideas out quickly. For any 60-minute session, you should try to generate 100 ideas.

SVSG has given me the freedom to explore and design

Some of the books I've read recently...