A few things about me:

  • Right-handed immigrant
  • Non-tech in tech
  • Tri-lingual
  • Know how to use Canva, Figma, Miro, Elementor and my lawnmower
  • Lived in Patagonia
  • Volunteer
  • Translate things in my head
  • DEI advocate
  • Built and designed this website
  • Fold my bed sheets like the Four Seasons
  • Cut my own hair
  • Love a good Mexican mule
  • Enjoy art, creative people, cilantro and public bathrooms that smell like bleach
  • Sleep with earplugs
  • Service-designed my home office
  • Go by Papi, Papa, Rico, Ricky or Richi

For all the other stuff, please visit my LinkedIn profile here:

My most recent passion projects include founding and leading the Silicon Valley Security Group (SVSG), a community of security professionals that enables networking and a social platform for social good and innovation within the industry. 

I am also participating in a professional certificate program to become a UX designer through Google. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my three amazing children and my beautiful wife Jenny.

Whether you decide to meet for a one-hour personalized coaching or mentoring session or get a team together for a class or workshop, I have you covered!

Are you ready?

let's explore some of the things we could do together...